Now retired, The Bear finances this almanac for reasons only known to him.
All three of us select content, but we each have our favorite styles. Can you guess who picked which stories? A secret prize to the person who can correctly guess all of the stories at the end one calendar year. Morgan has been leading the charge for content selection.
It costs us about 200 bucks a year to maintain this magazine. That's when we don't pay anyone anything. Just so you know where we are coming from. Frankly, we would like to pay our writers. Wouldn't that be nice?
Watch this space for more about the behind the scenes MOJO STUFF.
-PMjA 08/2000
Each of the pieces on this website is copyrighted to its respective author. The design belongs, essentially to the magazine as a group. The bots are all Dave's. I just thought that needed to be posted officially. 08/26/2000
Poor Mojo's Almanac(k) is published weekly and receives 70,000 hits per week on 40,000 pages from 17,000 visits.
A New Change:
Today, April First, 2004, Fritz started rolling out css throughout the Alamanac(k). This page was the first main page that got done.