Hey, become an official Mojoketeer!
Give us your email address and we will give you eternal love!
When we rustle up enough wampum
to buy that laser-powered space-frigate for our inter-galactic
buccaneering, well, then you will be the first person we call.
But we need to build our list up in preperation for that glorious,
glorious day. So, enter in your email address and we will keep
you posted about the space-frigate, and about all of the other
crap that goes on around here.
And, god forbid you get tired
of hearing from us about our hopes, our dreams and our terrible
crimes of passion, you can come right back here and unsubscribe
just as easily. No complicated extraction plan needed!
Also, this will be explained
in more detail in the privacy statement, but let me make it clear
that we won't give ANYONE your email address for any reason.
This is a private Mojo club and no one else has been invited.
our privacy statement